My Top 10 Inspirational Podcasts - For Your Business & Mind


Need more rad podcast recommendations to deep dive for your mind & business? Below are my top 10 favorite podcasts having to do with business, life, your mind, and of course, the OUTDOORS.

1.    Online Marketing Made Easy – Amy Porterfield

Primary focus of the podcast: Super simple marketing tips & online tools for online entrepreneurs.

Quick summary from their website: “Expert interviews, mini execution plans, and intimate behind-the-scenes secrets from [Amy’s] biggest launches… all tied together by [her] mission to make EVERYTHING you listen to as actionable and profitable as possible.” – Amy Porterfield

Why I LOVE this podcast: So, I pretty much listen to this podcast weekly to keep up to date on new marketing trends, cool tidbits and tips from successful entrepreneurs and to learn about how to navigate the marketing tools that best fit my business. Amy is incredibly well versed in running her own online business and is easy to connect with and listen to. I’ve built so much of my business off of the solid advice that she brings to these wonderful soundbites.


2.      The Life Coach School – Brooke Castillo


Primary focus of the podcast: Using modern tools and awareness to manage your mind and emotions through self-coaching.

Quick summary from their website: “At The Life Coach School, we want you to discover what’s possible in your own life. Whether you wish to create an amazing career as a life coach or you’re looking to solve a specific issue in your life, these episodes will give you the tools you need to take your life to the next level.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: I think that learning to manage your mind is ESSENTIAL as a business owner. You have to wear so many hats and take care of so many people, that learning how to take care of yourself and be in a healthy space will set you up for success right out of the gate. I’ve learned how to better organize my business through this podcast. I’ve learned how to manage my emotions so that I treat my clients better and ensure that I can support them in their needs — while setting healthy boundaries. This is one of my go-to podcasts and I can’t recommend it enough!


3.      How I Built This - Guy Raz


Primary focus of the podcast: Sharing the stories of how self-made entrepreneurs were able to build some of the biggest businesses that you know.

Quick summary from their website: “Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the world's best known companies. How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Getting to hear the stories of business that made it is not only inspirational, but also essential. You get to hear about the failures that these business owners made in such a way that you realize the path to success isn’t perfect or easy. You get to feel like you and your business can actually make it if you stick to it. If you’re smart about it. And you also get to hear a wealth of knowledge about things that were successful and helpful for their business. You can take some of these WINS and apply them to your very own model to get out there and kill it.


4.      The Get Paid Podcast – Claire Pelletreau


Primary focus of the podcast: Hear firsthand from other entrepreneurs how much money they’re making and how they were able to successfully make businesses that paid them.

Quick summary from their website: “The Get Paid Podcast is a show that's dedicated to giving you an honest look at the reality of running an online business.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Claire does a brilliant job of bringing transparency to the forefront with her interviews. This podcast showcases different stories of success, and focuses in on what works for online businesses. I’ve learned so much about how to market online from her, especially with the power of Facebook Ads.


5.      The Jocko Podcast – Jocko Willink


Primary focus of the podcast: Firsthand stories of war (books & and interviews) with heroes and veterans to discuss leadership & discipline in modern times. Here, ownership reins supreme.

Quick summary from their website: “Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Because Jocko is downright awesome. He’s also incredibly straightforward and brings his leadership experience as an acting CEO of many companies, but also as a retied Navy SEAL commander. His work in the US, talking about Ownership & Leadership, has been unbelievably powerful and has reshaped how I run my business and help my clients. When you approach a situation and take ownership and leadership, it sets you up for success. This means for your life too. If you want to be a stronger leader in your business, check out this podcast.


6.      The Jordan B. Podcast – Jordan B. Peterson


Primary focus of the podcast: Deep & intentional interviews with important and compelling speakers from around the world and who are the top in their industries. Philosophy focused.

Quick summary from their website: “Dr. Peterson concentrates primarily on the role of the individual, and the responsibilities that accompany mature individuality, assuming that productive, engaging, peaceful and otherwise highly functional social systems depend on the idea of the sovereign person, and the burden and opportunity of adventure, vision and destiny that accompany that idea.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Coming soon!



7.      The Mind Your Business Podcast – James Wedmore


Primary focus of the podcast: Taking a look at how you think and use your mind to approach your business by looking at tools from other successful businesses, to manage your mind so you can successfully manage your business.

Quick summary from their website: “James Wedmore, a seven-figure online entrepreneur, believes success is created by mindset over strategy, magic over metrics, and attitude over action. In this podcast, James untangles the common misconception that hustle and hard work are all it takes to be successful.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Because of the way it looks at how we stop ourselves in our own lives and businesses. It’s not about our competitors most of the time. It’s all about how we limit ourselves and focus on our shortcomings. This podcast does a really great job at looking at how you can change and grow your business by starting with the challenges you face in your very own mind.


8.      The Rich Roll Podcast – Rich Roll


Primary focus of the podcast: Looking at wellness across the globe from physical wellness, to mental, and on to business wellness as well.

Quick summary from their website: “Each week Rich delves deep into all things wellness with some of the brightest and most forward thinking, paradigm busting minds in health, fitness, nutrition, art, entertainment, entrepreneurship & spirituality.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Coming soon!



9.      The Travel Diaries – Holy Rubenstein


Primary focus of the podcast: World travel through the eyes of different people and the stories that they have from their very own experiences paired with excellent traveling advice and wisdom.

Quick summary from their website: “Each week, travel and entertainment journalist Holly Rubenstein interviews a different high-profile traveler about the seven travel chapters of their life, uncovering the seminal travel experiences that have shaped who they are today.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Coming soon!


10.   The Dirtbag Diaries Podcast – Duct Tape Then Beer


Primary focus of the podcast: Adventures stories from the first hand experiences of the outdoor community; told in a fashion that is just like hunkering down by a warm campfire after staying in the mountains with loved ones.

Quick summary from their website: “Campfire tale style - a grassroots podcast dedicated to the sometimes serious, often humorous stories from wild places.”

Why I LOVE this podcast: Coming soon!



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